You ever think about how Trump supporters would tell reporters how excited they were about the idea of a Business Man President, who could run our country Like A Business—when that is literally the way our country has been run since its inception and that is literally The Problem
The most lucrative business decision rich white land-owning men ever made was: convincing poor white laborers that they too, could bootstrap their way to success if they maintained loyalty to their race rather than their class—it has reliably produced dividends for 244 years now
In order for capitalism to function it needs to exploit free and/or cheap labor, which is what the USA was built on. It's why even now in 2021, a big portion of congress is hand-wringing about the possibility of someone accidentally getting too much money from a stimulus check
It's why after being silent for 4 years + pushing a $2 trillion stimulus package through for Trump, they're now hemming and hawing about the deficit. They live to punish poor people—throwing folks in deep water wasn't enough they gotta hold people's heads under too. Meanwhile: 🤑
I don't know what it's going to take for these people to find some fucking humanity. 456,000 Americans are dead because of the utter negligence of the Trump administration. The USA makes up 4.25% of the global population yet nearly 25% of total covid deaths have happened here.
The cruelty is the point. The wage gap is by design. I think most Americans realize this, but it is still harrowing to watch the Covid death toll approach half a million and learn it's *still* not enough to make the most powerful people in our country feel a modicum of empathy.
Sorry my Twitter After Dark is literally just rage tweets about our broken democracy lol I hate it here.
I'm still *staring directly into camera* at the idea of Trump's supporters celebrating this country "being run like a business" while also refusing to recognize that when the employees at a real business do a crime, the CEO generally shoulders the blame 🙃
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