LONG THREAD: 1/A suggestion/confession of an officer from Army who is still serving. #militarycoupinMyanmar #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
2/1. I have always been watching the situations outside but here in our military compound everything is now blocked. Nobody is let outside. They are cutting communication between military and people. The main focus of our activities is the Civil Disobedience Movement.
3/All the officers in charge here are trying to find ways to quell this movement. They know how to handle the government strikes, but they are not yet sure how they should react to the CDM.
4/This movement is currently effective so you should continue to carry on with CDM for the long run. 2. What they are afraid of most is the education and health sectors. In the military, there may be engineers and doctors to substitute with, but there is no one for education.
5/So the education community should focus on CDM. The military is pretending that they have not been affected in any way, but internally they are in trouble. The CBM should be led at a grassroots/basic level of staff/service. Help manage accommodation and food. Be quick.
6/Very soon, basic/operational level staff are going to be supported or vaccinated (Covid 19). Pagodas will also open. They will invite ASEAN to prove that they have made changes. 3. What the Military fear most is businessmen and ordinary people.
7/Businessmen are not likely to join your revolution. The ordinary people are already in it. Please initiate the basic level staff to take part. I think this revolution should take place within 2 weeks to a month.
8/The longer the movement waits, the better senior military officers can manage the situation. What I like to suggest more is that CDM should unified behind one color. I will explain you why.
9/4. In our battalions, everyone thinks the resistance comes only from NLD and not from the citizens. They don’t realize just how much support of the citizens the NLD really has. They take everyone who is in red as the enemy.
10/There are rumors circulating that other battalions are starting to speak up against the coup and side with the people. That is not true. People think the military leaders have no strategy. But it is the opposite.
11/In here, everything is very systematic and we are asked to put our brains together and strategize. They even asked me to join those think tank sessions. But I refused.
12/5. They have brainwashed the soldiers to believe that the red (NLD supporters and citizens alike) are all villains who will destroy our country and religion. The people who support the change are being detained and thus, cannot do much.
13/Everyone’s phone number and social media accounts are controlled by their commanders. I’m sending this hand-written letter to you through much difficulties.
14/For groups who are posted outside of the battalion compound, they are either a mix of two groups or they change the commander of the group so that they can’t leak any information out.
15/6. We are under immense pressure. Amidst all this, the citizens hating on us will also take its toll. That’s why you need to show that CDM is a movement led by ‘real’ citizens. It’s better if it is neutral movement and doesn’t contain party flags and colors.
16/They need to know that they’re facing the real citizens not just NLD party members. You should use it as a Psywar tactic. For example, if CDM uses the “blue” color, they will see only the color and think these are the real citizens. This tactic will demoralize the soldiers.
17/7.A similarly effective campaign like CDM would be putting signs on shops and businesses. Post a sign that reads “We do not serve police and military personnel who are not on the people’s side” and take photos and post them on social media.
18/This would be very effective. Like I mentioned earlier, it would be better if these movements are provable that they are orchestrated by the people. I know the red is with the people, but please would understand what I said earlier(the brainwashed soldiers see it as the enemy)
19/Putting signs in front of shops and businesses would scare them because no one can avoid the shops for long.
Lastly, we know that this is the people who are speaking to us when we see the “sign”. This is the only way they will know the real state of the country.
20/8.There are people in the military who want to fight for you, the people, but it is hard for us. For us, it is not just about getting fired. It is also punishable by 20 years of imprisonment. They will charge us with dereliction of duty and we are already so closely monitored.
21/Even if we are not involved in the movement and we wish to resign, there is no way for us to get out of this. It would be spectacular if you, the people, would help think us of us in that way. I will disclose further details later.
22/The military will argue that the disclosed information is untrue if they see this letter. 9.If the military and police join the CDM movement, it’s game over for them. But it is still not easy.That’s it for now, I'll inform you further later. I hope your family is doing well.
23/Warmest regards, 4.2.2021, PS. they will inflict violence with civilian disguise at night.
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