The goal of "population control" is not to reduce the number of people to a sustainable level. The goal is to remove(kill) unfavorable groups, and only allow specific DNA to reproduce. For example..... 👇
....Bill Gates is a devoted Eugenicist. He wants a pure race to inhabit our planet. He can't go around advocating for genocide, not directly anyway. So, how might he pull off his nazi mission? For starters, he would work closely with other Eugenicists, like China...
....Then he would donate billions to the WHO, turning it into his personal media outlet. Next, he would buy controlling interest in Monsanto, Beyond Meat, and then become the largest farmland owner in the US, essentially setting up control of our food supply.....
....All that soy garbage and fake meat you're eating is packed with estrogen and testosterone blockers, designed to take the fight out of you. The Progressive agenda transforms women, from beautiful into beastly, man hating feminists, then tells boys they can be girls too....
....after a generation of Snowflakes decides abortion is awesome, who needs kids anyway, Bill is ready to give the population his "magic elixir" to cure a fake illness, and everyone lines up. If you haven't realized yet, those vaxs are not FDA tested, and you....
....can't sue the pharmaceutical companies for damages. Two of the three clearly state that they are mRNA vaxs, that "reprogram your cells." God knows what ol' Bill is up to. Now, when all the undesirables finish dying off, and the rest are sterile, he can start.....
....using CRISPR technology to usher in a generation of custom built, pure babies, free of any unwanted illnesses, disfigurement or color. If you survive the vax, you'll be enslaved into the uni-government machine while the pure children are pampered in luxury. Wake up.
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