6 ways to turn your knowledge into income (thread)
1/ Start a blog

> Find long-tail keywords in your niche

> Start writing article (10 to 15)

> Set up a blog on Wordpress

> Monetize with ads/info products
2/ Start a Podcast 

> Reach out to micro influencers in your niche

> Interview them. Add value. Solve problems for your audience

> You can also do solo podcasts

> Monetize with ads

> Build your list. Sell to your list
3/ Start a YouTune channel

> Pick the best keywords in your niche

> Start creating 5 to 10 minutes videos

> Make them interesting/engaging

> Monetize it with ads

> Sell info products

> Sell affiliate products

> Sell POD products
4/ Create an online course

> Find a burning pain

> Divide that into 10 small problems

> Create 5 to 10 minutes video solving those problems

> Total 10 videos + intro & outro videos

> Sell it for $50

> Make 1 sale a day

> That's $1500/month

> Build from there
5/ Build an online community

> Start a discord/telegram/mighty network community around the problem you're solving

> Charge $10 to $20/month

> Get 1000 subscribers in one year

> That's $10k to $20k/month business by end of the year
6/ Sell ebooks

> Find a burning pain

> Package your solution in a 30 to 50 page ebook

> Sell it for $20

> Make 1 sale a day 

> That's $600/month

> Scale from there
You can follow @hustlenconquer.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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