It's always in our best interest to blame social norms on the upcoming youth. After a bit of web scrapping I am convinced Kenyans Generation X and millennials shouldn't blame Generation Z, because they already set the trend and were far worse.

A thread.
The current school burning of dorms are not precedence, they started with GenX and Millennial perfected the gruesome act. There was Bombolulu, St. Kizito and Kyanguli. The Mamlaka gang of UON and the infamous rapes of groundsmen in Pangani and precious blood.
The only anatomy lessons that the millennial and it's fore father's genx had were most times taught after many sneaking around to go to clubs such as the famous Florida 2000, Club dimples, Club Omega, Club Brilliant, the one and only Hollywood and Club Backyard.
Isn't the Gen X and the Millennial who introduced the infamous alcohol packages of Sachets. The Safari, Kibao and Napoleon Sachets that used to cost 20bob to purchase and had alcoholic content of 40%, strong enough to knock an elephant down.
Were the Omega discos not an invention of those two generations? Actually you would think that the nostalgia of going to 'Show' is because they missed seeing the Aberdeen Angus Cows, but it's because of the fun they used to have in Club Omega.
This bad behaviors of the past generations has been passed on to the current youths. It's the past generations that own the wines and spirit paraded in every estate corner in the name of entrepreneurship
The past generations are the current crops of teachers and parents, and since they got past their bad behavior through corporal punishment, they are the first ones to campaign on its return.
You can't advocate for corporal punishment unless you are out there looking on ways to revenge on what was done to you. Students were maimed and traumatized because of teachers who took pleasure in beating up students.
This past generations are the first ones to tell you, " didn't we turn out well, because of being beaten " meanwhile their turning out well is them calling themselves 'Mama WA Harrier' and 'Bazenga' , a product of sugar Mummies and Daddies.
Acquired traits are the worst to get rid off. We have infected our youths with our foul mannerisms and now we think we can beat them to submission to cleanse our own self. The reaction we are seeing from them is just a mild painting of who we are as a society.
We celebrate corrupt politicians and vote them into the highest offices, killers are walking among us and allowed to write our constitution, vote on our laws and pass judgement on our future, and yet we expect more from our seeds.
Isn't the Genx not trying to empower the youth with wheelbarrows, a tool if trade that they used. They don't want to think out of the box, they need the current crop to fail to hide their shame.
The only institution that should have boarding facilities are Approved Schools, Military service, Prisons and Hospitals. You can't separate a child from their parents in the name of education, a parents love and guidance are the most important part in raising an upright adult.
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