There is a cancer INSIDE the Republican Party, and that cancer is Trumpism. Just because Trump is gone doesn’t mean Trumpism will go away (Marjorie Taylor Greene is currently in Congress).
When we look at this disease, we tend to focus on GOP outliers…Trump or Greene…but this is not where we should be spending our time.

We need to focus on the buttoned-up "civilized" elected Republicans who continue to LOOK THE OTHER WAY to the craziness consuming the GOP.
These "well-behaved" members of the Republican Party (you know the type) provide the oxygen to every conspiracy lie by remaining silent. By not REFUTING this dangerous nonsense, they add credibility to these unfounded ideas.
If you are an elected Republican and are afraid to call out this thinking because "you might lose voters," why the hell did you get in to politics? Are you more concerned with staying in office or doing the right thing?
Don’t sell your soul to a pernicious cult. Stand up and be counted. Your country needs you.
You can follow @SenMcCollister.
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