As every single report about the genocide of Uighur Muslims in Xianjiang shows, American "values" and "human rights" have a price. If the cost of espousing these "values" is too high, as it would be with China, these pathetic activists conspicuously find their silence.
Obviously it is easier to punch down to sovereign nations that cannot impose such a price. The ironic thing is that these very activists cry about neocolonialism and the "Western Gaze" but I don't think they understand they are doing the exact same thing themselves right now
India scares them, as it should. They look at us right now and see a billion people who would be Republicans in their country (this is the extent of their research I think). The problem for them is that India is a not a tinpot country. People generally speak their mind here
And the "right wing" movement here is organic and emergent. It is not imposed by any cultural, media, academic or political institution. It is coming from the ground, from the common man. If they go ahead and attempt a color revolution here, it will end in complete embarrassment
American liberals are just as interventionist as Dick Cheney was. The only difference is that they employ different methods of regime change. And make no mistake about it, that is the final goal of any of these endeavors
The biggest irony of all is that India is pushing away from MSP BECAUSE of pressure from the US and Canada at the WTO. But as always, that is curiously forgotten. This is what @akshayalladi means when he talks about "shared values" vs. "shared interests"
Kamala Harris and her ilk also perfectly embody the term "neoliberal" - i.e. their actions are all designed to benefit their donors and patrons, and they buy the assent of their base using progressive rhetoric on social causes.
Talking about progressive social issues is like the "Soma" used in Huxley's Brave New World to keep the masses in their place, as global capital conducts a midnight robbery on the wealth of this planet. Investment bankers buy your silence using rainbow flags in their brand logos
Also as @ruchirsharma_1 has previously said, if the US starts complaining about "human rights" and "values", it generally (but not always) means that you are:
1/ Acting in your own national self interest
2/ Acting in a way that might harm American corporate interests
The issue of the farmers' protest is almost secondary in a way. The American liberal establishment has wanted to get its teeth into India and its internal affairs for a while now. They have plenty of people here willing to be "useful idiots"
The current protests in India (which I at least in theory support the right of our fellow citizens to perform) are a smokescreen to gain "entry". As former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said, "Never let a good crisis go to waste"
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