I usually don't get out of scope of Terra 🌍

But those who know @SamIAm15497991 also knows when he is on to something you better pay attention

He asked me to research @yourCashaa $CAS

I took on the challenge

A thread about what i found https://twitter.com/SamIAm15497991/status/1357479641951404043
Cashaa is a crypto friendly Bank serving business and individual accounts

The idea is to capitalize on traditional banks hostility against crypto clients and it seems to be working quite good
Currently 200 companies are banking with Cashaa

Among them large crypto companies like @NexoFinance @paxful and @HuobiGlobal

2000 other companies are waiting and going through compliance procedures to get onboard
Cashaa has been primarily business focused but will now start to offer solutions for individuals. And this is where things gets more interesting. US personal accounts going live any day now and India is already live
The founder @kg_Cashaa being Indian and understanding the market, Cashaa went with a customized approach to India

The world's first physical Crypto Bank (branch) UNICAS has opened in India

13 UNICAS branches opens up in the coming weeks
Unicas will empower millions by better financial possibilities

Think Celsius for India

Make crypto or INR deposits and earn interest

Important note, most crypto activity is OTC in India
Personal account plans
Being a Bank will not deprive clients to tap in to DeFi

Cashaa is bridging cefi and defi with


For this they have partnered with Apple, Nike, Paytm, Peter England, Macy’s, Flipkart, and 2000+ other merchant
Buy stuff with crypto

Take out a loan against your $CAS or other crypto?

$CAS powers everything

Account plans (staking starting any day)
Interest rates
Transaction fees

Franchisees needs to stake 1m tokens
This interest is high and which explains the latest price raise
Partnered with two biggest exchanges in India

Coincdx (funded by Coinbase and BlockOne)
& Bitbnb

Both will provide UNICAS plans to their customers
Thousands has signed up
Now Cashaa is already live in India and expanding with new branches all over the country
A blanket ban is the biggest obstacle I see, but seems unlikely considering how it would hit a whole industry and millions of retail investors

Big crypto companies are investing heavy in India, earlier mentioned Coinbase, BlockOne
India is a huge market and the bull case for $CAS

If Indian government is worried about illicit use of crypto no one is better equipped than Cashaa

Imagine millions of account plans in India
However India decides, Cashaa will still be operating in US and Europe providing businesses with frictionless crypto banking and individuals with better crypto services
If this caught your attention do your own research. Always do your own research. I might got somethings wrong.

I'm a prrpl reptile what do i know

Thank you Sam, i enjoyed checking this out
You can follow @PrrplFrog.
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