Last weekend I escaped to Florida from Massachusetts, the fascist hellhole I am cursed to call home.

Everything you have heard is true. They have real people there, not the zombies that people the blue wastelands.

People smile, they laugh, they acknowledge you. Join me
I was in Miami, where there is a mask mandate which is mercifully unenforceable. On the boardwalk, 75% of people were un-masked. In town 50% of people on the sidewalks were un-masked. Miami has lower activity than much of the state, at 60% of normal https://cai.burbio.com/countyoverview/ 
It was enough for humanity-starved soul like me.

The restaurants were packed, no plexi-glass in sight, and only those catering to the most affluent (and hence “liberal”) appeared to have any reduced capacity at all.
But the bars. My god, the bars. Inside, outside, it didn’t matter. People were alive. COVID-“courtesy” was forgotten. People forgot your potential contagion and pushed passed you to order a drink. Random strangers butted into your conversations. It was
I found myself excited by the smallest things
 Water fountains that worked. People who stopped to help me up without a moments’ pause when I tripped on my 5” heels.
One of the things that struck me more than anything was resident Miamians’ ability to do something as normal as being catty. I was so bemused talking to a woman who was complaining about how fake people there were

It made me realize the social riches we used to enjoy, and that they still enjoy. The ability not just to be around people, but to be exposed to such a surfeit of humanity that you might have the luxury of choosing with whom you wanted to associate, or not.
She talked about how nice it was to be around someone “normal.” I told her I felt the same way
 And didn’t mention that now I was just happy to be around anyone at all.
It’s probably worth noting, that the world is truly a bizarre place when you go to Miami in search of “normal,” or take comfort in being called “normal” by someone from Miami.

But this is where we are, a world where Florida is a shining ray of hope for humanity.
I know that sounds snarky, but it’s not meant to. What most people don’t know was that one of the chief goals of the Enlightenment, was to move people away from the bloody “higher” pursuits of glory (war) and “improvement of humanity” (evangelism, usually coupled with war)
And towards the more pedestrian (and much less bloody) focus of their selves, and simply tending to their own garden (re: Candide), their own happiness & family--their own "petty" concerns. Those Enlightenment peeps, they were onto something. And FL is a perfect example.
All right, enough with Voltaire et al, back to the topic.

Our new friends, she from Romania, he from, Argentina invited us to an Asado the next time we came down.

Naturally, our flights are already booked, and I am looking forward to the chimichurri.
Some people will now be spluttering “That’s why things are so bad in Florida!!” The data tell a different story.

With our universal outdoor mask mandate (in MA) enforced by the social distance stazi and mask mafia, we perform WORSE on every single metric.

In the face of this data, others will say “people still mask in FL.”

Eh not really
 self-reported masking is @ 90%, but that’s not the truth (thank god)--even in Miami--as evidenced by the video above, and the packed bars and restaurants.
Floridians are more active, more human than “people” in Massachusetts by every single metric. And yet MA continues to have equal or higher cases, deaths and hospitalizations
Why? Because the tools our public health officials have told us to use to “stop the spread” do not work. And they are perfectly aware of it.

If you question the accuracy of that statement, take a few seconds to watch how cases explode in-step with increasing mask usage.

Masking on LH, Cases on RH
This is not because masks increase spread (though aerosolization of larger droplets makes this a possibility), but because masks—especially cloth masks--do nothing against .009- 0.3 micron

This is because, like all respiratory viruses, infections are driven almost exclusively by seasonality, or more specifically decreases in vitamin D (particularly acute in darker-complected people, due to melanin down-regulating vit. D production).

There is quite literally not a single thing that we have been asked to do that has any ability to slow the virus. But these human interventions CAN—and DO—make things worse. And once again, they know it.

The comparison between Massachusetts and Florida provides a perfect case study. The results of:

1) forcing Cv19+ patients back into nursing homes


2) harsh lockdowns that protected the rich and infected the poor were disastrous.

To visualize this, you have to look at deaths on a population basis, BY AGE GROUP

Doing so, excess deaths are virtually imperceptible <65. In FL, even above 65, deaths are not much higher than prior flu years. In MA deaths begin to skyrocket THE DAY lockdowns start.
In order to see the other age groups we’ll look at deaths/million by overall population. Doing so we see deaths are not elevated AT ALL in MA or FL below 45.

45-65 shows levels slightly above prior flus.

The real difference between nature & human intervention.
If you look at the year-over-year graphs, you see that some of the deaths in FL may even have been catch up deaths from mild flus in prior years (deaths increase there due to population increases). The same is not true in MA, w/flat, and now decreasing pop (thx @MassGov)
This chart also shows how absolutely insane the guidance is from the CDC to vaccinate ANYONE BUT those over 65. In both states, deaths have returned to baseline levels for all ages below 65. Yet MA has wasted 87.8% of its vaxs on <70. Where FL has used 72.8% on 65+.
This is despite the fact that MA is seeing a steeper rise in deaths in 85+, again likely due to harsh restrictions, including our universal mask mandate, that remove low-risk people from the virus’ path, driving it to the vulnerable.

FL on LH, MA on RH (see prior tweet)
The United Nations’ Covenant on Civil and Political rights, states that it is incumbent on any government imposing disease control measures to utilize the “least restrictive means” available to effectively achieve the public health goal.

What IS our public health “goal”?
If you are going to say, “oh but what about cases and hospitalizations”, trust me the numbers square there, too. Now that the disease appears to be endemic nearly everywhere, there is no difference, no matter how strict or how loose the measures.
If you want to say hospitals are over-run, sorry to be the bearer of good news, they're not.

~80% of beds occupied, of which COVID patients are a minority and after significant staffing cuts.
ICUs are @ 85%

Both normal to low

Check YOUR area here
Given all of this, why are we persisting in these society- children-destroying efforts to stop the spread of a disease that we cannot stop? A disease with such a highly stratified risk profile, that when we try to stop it, kills the very people we are supposed to protect?
Unfortunately, I believe the answer, is that it is an awareness by politicians, public health officials and the media that their alarmism, their non-pharmaceutical interventions, are directly responsible for those horrible spikes in deaths, for those mountains of corpses.
Thus, they continue to fan the flames of fear for low-risk groups, saying “Everyone is at risk”—though they know it is false

The CDC’s most recent estimate is that 81 million people had COVID thru December for the following est. mortality rates

Another reason may be that many of the people making and encouraging adherence to these policies are not only NOT harmed by them, but are benefiting from them—greatly.

I have many friends who unashamedly say this has been the best year for them EVER. https://twitter.com/PhilWMagness/status/1352298738514059265
There are real costs to keeping the fiction alive that we are all at-risk.

1)Harsher measures appear to drive the virus to the vulnerable.

2)Fear also drives school closures—despite 0 relationship between open schools and case transmission.
There DOES appear to be a relationship between school closures and the belief in these twin fictions:

1) we can control the virus
2) we are all at significant risk from this virus.

"Maskiness" in September, appears to be a near perfect indicator of school opening.
While masking differences have purportedly narrowed, mask-philia is tightly tied to closed schools.


“Belief” in masks translates to closed schools, b/c it signals "belief" that you can (& must) control the virus

So you

1) Test constantly, resulting in constantly finding virus, & constantly closing schools.

2) This provides a pretext for unions to resist opening
High unemployment—and hence people staying home and not going to their jobs—does NOT reduce the spread of the virus.
http://NOT.AT .ALL
However, once again, high levels of “maskiness,” maskphilia, or “belief” in masks and their ability to control the virus, is extremely negative.

In this case, highly predictive of high levels of unemployment.
Once again, this seems likely to related to the fact that people who like masks:

a)don’t have to wear them to work, b/c they work from home
b)haven’t lost their jobs, b/c they work from home
c)have kids in private schools, b/c they are wealthy https://twitter.com/PhilWMagness/status/1352298738514059265
Kids will not go back to school in a given city/state, until that city/state starts to function again as a society (like @GovRonDeSantis' FL) and comes to terms with relative risk, and the need for lower-risk cohorts to be out and about absorbing the brunt of the disease.
Click on the tweet above to read the rest, I accidentally formed the thread it is 67 total.
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