We had "list launch" mtgs this week. It's when editors present their upcoming list to sales, marketing, and publicity for the first time. It's your one shot to help your colleagues understand your books and how they can best sell and promote them. It's why "hooks" matter: #pbchat
It's a big room, and no editor gets up there and says "You'll be able to successfully sell this book because . . . it's a really nice story." Or "You'll want to pitch this for a round-up of . . . really nice stories."
The questions I'm implicitly answering up there are: "Why should we care about this book especially?" "What will make it stand out in a crowded bookshop?" "How can a bookseller easily sell it?" "What will turn the heads of media outlets?" This is all to say: "What is your hook?"
I think about this as soon as I start reading a submission. How would I position it? How would it stand out? Where would it get sold/promoted? Can I convey at list launch that it deserves attention? If I can't answer these confidently, it's unlikely I'll acquire it.
That's not to say that every book has to fit a "trend" or "niche", but there has to be a reason for your story to be published other than "Well, I wrote it and I think it's nice." It's a busy, crowded, competitive market. How will your work stand out?
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