Pretend you don't know the arrival of COVID on US soil is closely linked to the Chinese delegation visiting to sign a contract with President Trump where, for the 1st time ever, the US would claw back some of the trillions China has stolen from us.

Pretend you don't remember-
...Nancy and other leftist politicians telling their people to go to Chinatown & celebrate in the beginning.

Pretend you don't know Fauci under Obama sent millions to the Wuhan Virology Lab.

Pretend you don't remember the State Dept releasing findings showing that the Wuhan-
...virology lab works with the People's Liberation Army (PLA) & that the Wuhan Virology Lab has worked on COVID "gain of function" tests.

Pretend you don't remember Fauci saying masks don't work.

Pretend you don't remember the inventor of the PCR test saying it would be a -
...terrible choice to use to test for COVID.

Pretend you don't know that every nation who used HCQ had vastly smaller death rates.

Pretend you don't remember the media & social media villifyjng and blacklisting anyone who suggested using HCQ.

Pretend the medical journals-
...NOW saying HCQ is a viable treatment is the only time you've heard of it.

Pretend you never saw the pictures of the most sanctimonious mask Karen politicians (Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler) in multiple pics without masks themselves.

Pretend you don't remember every local leader-
...or official enacting stricter lockdowns then IMMEDIATELY breaking their own rules (Newsom/French Laundry, Denver Mayor flying home for turkey, Los Angeles health czar going to dinner in Santa Monica after conference banning outdoor dining).

Pretend you don't know the first -
...massive spikes in deaths is tied directly to nursing homes in several states being forced to accept infected patients to be mixed in (with the only truly vulnerable population)

Pretend you don't know Bidens new Health Director didn't remove her/his/its own mother from a Penn-
...nursing home before that policy was put in place.

Pretend you don't know there's a +99.7% survival rate overall.

Pretend you don't know that science has shown for many months that kids are largely unaffected.

Pretend you don't know that it was discovered in the very -
...beginning that sunlight / UV kills covid in under 90secs so the new masking regs at national parks seems totes legit to you.

Pretend you don't remember CNN's Cuomo & ABC's Stephanopoulos each breaking their own lockdowns while infected- and Cuomo still having the chutzpah - have an "end of quarantine" special despite having made the news for getting into a fight with a biker when he broke his quarantine early.

Pretend you believe that it makes total sense that this is the worst pandemic in human history although somehow you only know at most person who died from it.

Pretend you don't remember people dying from car crashes, gun shots and falling off ladders being counted as COVID deaths.

Pretend you didn't notice that every school closure, lockdown, death toll numbers on CNN & disgusting propaganda being -
...significantly scaled back THE MOMENT Dear Leader Biden was installed.

Preyend your eyes have been closed this entire time and you haven't been aware of any of these things.

That's the only way any of this could make sense and be legitimate to you.
*Addendum: Pretend that you never looked and realized that by looking at the flu infection rates this year (near zero) & it's obnoxiously obvious that seasonal flu was counted as COVID by the millions.

Pretemd you don't know that the population dying of "COVID" is the same -
...exact population that would die from the seasonal flu (elderly immunocompromised, co-morbidites).

Pretend that you don't remember that every time the media tried to scare you that a youth died of COVID that the truth eventually came out it either wasn't COVID or they had -
...massive co-morbidities.

Pretend you never actually looked & realized that nationwide deaths over the past calendar year is smaller than any one of the previous 5 years.
Addendum part deux: Pretend you don’t remember that the only single solitary campaign promise that Biden made (that’s wasn’t “Orange Man Bad”) was that he had a better plan to “battle COVID” than President Trump.

Then Dear Leader Biden was installed & in week 1 he said, “j/k.”
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