Okay, I don't want to call this person out for this tweet, because I'm not trying to drag them.
This tweet is referencing Pompeo and his goals of presidenting.
And, like, I get it.

But I have to say: y'all mf'ers said Trump couldn't be president.

That just speaks to a lack of vision.
If you think that Pompeo/Cruz/Hawley/Greene etc. ad nauseum aren't marking their calendars for "New and Improved Fascism," you're gravely, gravely mistaken.
We've been given a stay of execution by winning the election.

But a "stay" is not a guarantee.
In the first weeks since Jan. 6, and then REALLY after the inauguration, little terrible pockets all over the country are rewriting voter laws.
Which they did after Obama was elected.

And they were SUCCESSFUL, because NO ONE was paying attention.
They doubled down every election after that. New incursions into voter laws, new anti-protest rules--protesting within certain areas became a felony.
These are deep-pocketed, really nihilist forces who do NOT WANT DEMOCRACY.
We can ask why they don't relish living in "the land of the free," but it's futile.
What you need to know is that in 2018, the last voting station in Dodge City was moved OUTSIDE the city limits because the voting population was immigrant and Latino.

They moved it completely.
And this is happening in tiny townships.

Here's a thing you might not realize: Heartland America is now largely immigrant/BiPOC.
And White America does NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT. Because they're moving the goalposts CONSTANTLY in their areas.

Flexing the levers of city councils, townships.
But one reason that COVID is so utterly devastating in "Heartland America" is that poor, underpaid, unprotected communities are working in unsafe conditions to get you some chicken nuggets.
Our food is being produced by communities that are invisible.

White Heartland America is fine with that.
Because they're exploiting them. Endlessly.
Meanwhile, they're also removing their power to vote.
So don't you dare get comfortable.
Don't get complacent.
A reprieve to catch your breath is not the same as an earned retirement.
You have not earned that rest.

Now, you strategize.
You never, EVER let the GOP run unopposed, even if you have to be the one on the ballot.

You DEMAND public town halls.
You know who ran unopposed? Large Marge and the QAnon Brass Band.
You can follow @ominousrabbit.
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