In reviewing video from January 6th, a propaganda reel that played just before Trump came on stage at the rally on the Ellipse stood out. I helped @rgoodlaw and @jasonintrator pull the frames to review closely. Jason, an expert on fascism, produced this:
This video has been used before in prior campaign events in 2020. But its use on this day stands out because of the severity of the message. The first frames focus "our attention on this supposedly 'globalist,' but really Jewish, threat," as Jason writes.
"The next clip lingers on Joe Biden, with a vacant stare in his eyes and the video footage slowed, while Trump’s inauguration speech plays, 'For too long, a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government, while the people have borne the cost.'"
"...a series of slides varying between nostalgic images of white American families over dinner with rural destitution – a worn down home flying a large American flag with an old pickup truck in front."
"At the end of these grim scenes of the results of elite betrayal, Trump declares, 'This all ends right here, right now.' ... images of enormous naval ships on the ocean, and moves to images of Trump striding in front of a military guard at a football game..."
"...images of women overcome with emotion at the sight of the nation’s father figure, and violent anger at his political enemies..."
"...Trump is shown observing powerful rockets launch, images evocative, for those schooled in history, of the Nazi’s own obsession with this particular technology..."
"...Empty streets of great American cities, a forlorn white woman peering out of a window, trapped at home. Scrabble pieces spelling “FEAR” appear and disappear within less than a second..."
"The message of the video is clear. America’s glory has been betrayed by treachery and division sown by politicians seeking to undermine & destroy the nation. To save the nation, one must restore Trump’s rule." Jason notes reporting on Trump's attention to the program's details:
"Nazism did not start out in genocide," Jason writes. "It began with militias and violent troops disrupting democracy..... But it must never be forgotten where Nazism culminated."
Here is the full video.
(And of course....)
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