1) Biden saying it himself and 2) his saying “Putin” instead of “Russia” or “Russian government.” Capo to capo, it matters. Putin has been dictator for 20 years and is the richest guy on the planet. He doesn’t care what Blinken says. https://twitter.com/MaxBoot/status/1357478678293336065
The reason we've harped on this trivial detail for years is not just to get Putin's attention. It's to focus on Putin the crime boss as the problem, not some old-timey clash of national interests or ideologies.
Putin and his gang don't care about that stuff at all, except for occasional "Make Russia Scary Again" propaganda. They use "Russia" as a way to deflect attention and absorb punishment that should go do their global criminal business. It's a construct.
This is what we meant re Putin's "asymmetrical advantage" in the WaPo today. He invades to entrench himself, we sanction Russia. He murders to punish his enemies, we call an ambassador. He spreads cash and corruption, we issue broad statements about the rule of law. Etc.
Putin's cronies combine their private citizen status with state power, like hybrid warfare. We're squeamish with these blurred lines and they know it. They're like terrorists hiding among the civilian population for protection.
They exploit the West's openness, lobbying, donating to institutions, politicians, buying companies, media, sports teams. You can't fight private criminals via national diplomacy. But you can advance national interests by fighting the criminals. /fin
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