Kinda bored and want to do something brainless and computery so I'm just gonna look up programming etymologies for the next hour or so (thread)
Some I already know:

-Python was named after Monty Python

-C++ comes from the increment operator, ++, so it's like "C+1"

- C# is the same, as C♯ is one musical note higher than a C note. You write it with # and not ♯ because Keyboards
C was named as the successor to the "B" language, which was a condensed version of Basic CPL, which was a simplified version of the Combined Programming Language spec, which was a renaming of the Cambridge PL after ULondon joined with Cambridge
Lots of programming languages were named after people:

Ada: Ada Lovelace
Haskell: Haskell Curry
Erlang: Agner Erlang
Pascal: Blaise Pascal
In Alan Kay's own words, "a language I now called "Smalltalk"—as in "programming should be a matter of ..."
Scheme was originally SCHEMER as a nod to PLANNER, Carl Hewitt's robotics language, as SCHEMER was first inspired by Hewitt's work on the actor model of computation
JavaScript was supposed to be called Livescript, but they renamed it to cash in on the popularity of Java. Sun was part of this marketing push, and Netscape and Sun intended to collaborate and integrate. This fell through for whatever reason
> What is the origin of the name [Go]?
> “Ogle” would be a good name for a Go debugger.
APL stands for "A Programming Language". Kenneth Iverson's next language was J because he loved terse names, K and Q are a riff on that. Dyalog is a pun on "Dialog"
Speaking of ML:

- SML is "Standard ML"
- Caml is a pun on the languages CAM and ML, and is short for "Categorical Abstract Machine Language"
Ocaml is "Object Caml"
- F# is "Microsoft had a phase where they named all their languages Letter#", which includes J#, P#, and Q#
Early languages LOVED their acronyms.

- FORTRAN is "FORmula TRANslation".
- ALGOL is "ALGOrithm Language".
- COBOL is "COmmon Business-Oriented Language".
- BASIC is "Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code".
And Perl was supposed to be "Pearl", but a language called "Pearl" already existed at the time
While we're on scripting languages, PHP meant "Personal Home Page", and Lua was inspired by the SOL language, which is "sun" in Portuguese. No guesses for what "Lua" means 
Not a programming language, but MySQL was named after Michael Widenius's daughter My. He named MariaDB after his other daughter
Sounds that way, but turns out it's real! The first BASIC manual gives the acronym:

Might still be a backronym, where they came up with BASIC and tried to fit it to something, but the acronym wasn't a retcon
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