Dear @KayeEllen17 - let me share some of things I did when my daughter was battling for life post her TBI
1) I had kept a a bag full of blessings sent by folks from all over next to her bed/ pillow; so many people visited temples to pray for her and I had kept them all near her
2) Docs allowed me to play music for her; so I had asked her cousins to make a playlist of all her fav songs and her nurses used to play those songs for her via ear plugs
3) My daughter loves to paint, so I had kept some of her paintings near her bed/ and she reacted to one!
4) Docs allowed me to keep her fav barbie dolls near her ICU bed and I placed them there.
5) I know u r a Jew yet sharing this- took print out of pics of two powerful holy men and kept them near her bed- the pic in B&W is of NeemKaroli Baba- who Steve Jobs came searching for!
6) One of the holiest of our temples dedicated to Lord Shiva used to give me strength.

While at hospital, everyone from the entry gate keeper to guards to ward boys & wardgirls to nurses to docs to even patients attendants - everyone was invested in her recovery & that helped
There used to be days when I would get no updates for there was none and I used to tell myself that ok this is also a positive as it could have gone worse but didn’t -bottomline is that positivity of u and everyone around u as well blessings n prayers are most helpful & they work
And believe me - me and my daughter all are really praying for Molly - I have full faith that she will recover and open her eyes - just hang in there, stay positive, think positive, enlist as many in your prayers as u can and be grateful to God & everyone- #gratitude matters!
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