Today , i had a surprise and it warmed my heart thinking about it, Some guy who lives down the street from me some 20+ doors down or up , from me who i months ago, tried to enlighten , not educate, he is older than me ffs, and he was sceptical , just like we are .1/
But after months of not even seeing him never mind speaking with him, today he was shouting to me , i fortunately saw him and we spoke and after the bacterial pneumonia and asbestosis like disease that nappy wearing can cause ( pulmonary fibrosis) look it up,!! 2/
He removed that POS nappy , i wanted to hug him, lets hope he has internet access and does diligent research, he had heard much of what i said to him before , I UNLIKE THIS GOVT want EVERY FELLOW HUMAN to LIVE Until mother nature decides otherwise 3/
This is a fight FOR HUMANITY , NOT LEFT or right regardless of creed or colour , The question should be this DO YOU ALL WANT TO LIVE? if so We must UNITE put our petty differences aside on this subject (CAN YOU DO THAT?)
Can YOU work that out? you fcking well need to ASAP, Opinions No longer matter or they won't do soon
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