"Kenney says Albertans should trust their regulatory system to protect the environment and ensure adequate public consultation."

FAT CHANCE! Trust the regulator plagued by "gross mismanagement" & YEARS of scandals?!

Mega🧵 time!

#ableg #NoCoalAB
I'll TLDR this 🧵 with a quote that sums it up (emphasis mine):

"There isn't much trust to be lost (in the provincial regulator) at this point," said University of Calgary law professor Martin Olszynski @molszyns, who studies energy regulation law. "THERE SHOULD BE NO TRUST." 2/
What do the courts have to say that could help us weigh AER's trustworthiness?

"A series of Alberta court rulings said the regulator was legally immune from lawsuits & that the agency had “NO DUTY OF CARE” TO ALBERTANS OR THE ENVIRONMENT." 3/ https://bit.ly/3jh5AfL 
2019: "...the auditor, the ethics commissioner and the public interest commissioner joined forces to detail “gross mismanagement” at AER..."

SCATHING reports show AER:
❌ grossly mismanaged public funds, public assets & public services. 4/ https://bit.ly/3oOJIcK 
❌ INADEQUATE processes for reclamation monitoring and enforcement
❌ Knowingly BROKE THE LAW
❌ $25 million GONE in royalties due to AER exemptions without proper authority
❌ $2.3 mil unrecoverable from ICORE

Pull up the reports! AER incompetence & corruption goes ON & ON. 5/
❌ AER "executives travelled by 1st class & stayed at $500-per-night hotels, plotted how to privatize the province's intellectual property, & spent millions of dollars in public money on a private venture in order to secure their future employment." 6/

Lest we forget that AER rose from the ashes of the EUB (Energy & Utilities Board) which was disbanded in 2007 after the energy regulator BROKE THE LAW, hiring private investigators to eavesdrop on opposing landowners.

Hmm...is this a pattern? 7/ https://bit.ly/36IBkFw 
After 2019 scandals, the AER's CEO resigned. Back on track with ethics? At least we can trust the new CEO, Laurie Pushor, right? NOPE:

"Pushor was a central figure in a Saskatchewan government land-deal scandal that cost taxpayers millions of dollars." 8/ https://bit.ly/3toAkA2 
2020. Ethics flow from the top, right? Nothing concerning to see here:

❌ "Premier Jason Kenney's campaign manager and an outspoken human-caused global-warming skeptic has been hired as the Alberta Energy Regulator's new vice president of its science and innovation branch." 9/
March 2020. Seem trustworthy for AER to suspend & cut environmental monitoring, in many cases completely & with no set restart date? They undertook NO CONSULTATION.

(After HUGE blowback measures reinstated July 15. How many incidents did we miss?) 10/ https://bit.ly/3tsluZm 
2021: "Alberta government documents show repeated cuts to environmental monitoring despite contaminants (FROM COAL MINES) in some waterways that exceed thresholds that are supposed to trigger increased scrutiny."

Trust AER now? 11/ https://bit.ly/2YO53Iw 
AER's poor regulation saddled Alberta with ENORMOUS environmental liability. Drillers paid just $227 million security for a (then) $30 BILLION liability which has since ballooned.

🙄 Companies never become insolvent or take the $ and run. Bravo AER. 12/ https://bit.ly/36Lr678 
There's SO MUCH at stake if open-pit coal mining is allowed to proceed, not least of which is water contamination. Drinking water for 1.7 MILLION Albertans.
There is NO technology to mitigate selenium pollution. See the $$$ failed experiments by Teck:
https://bit.ly/2LjhKrN  13/
The UCP government is trying mightily to distract & obfuscate to deflate opposition to these open-pit coal mines. The lease rates & royalties are ROCK BOTTOM. The risks are enormous.

Do you trust AER to protect our environment or properly consult? 14/
Don't let future generations of Albertans get left holding the bag. Albertans of ALL political stripes are joining the fight. Please TAKE ACTION beyond social media. It's quick & IT MATTERS!
A few suggestions:

✅ Call the Premier. 780.427.2251
✅ Call your MLA. Find #'s here: https://bit.ly/3aAa0dB 
✅ Call the Minister of Environment, Jason Nixon. 780.427.2391
✅ Send a form letter to the Premier https://bit.ly/3jhsvaC  (& donate to CPAWS - instrumental to UCP retreat on parks!)

✅ Donate to this non-partisan, citizen-funded campaign 'Protect Alberta Water' that is raising awareness about coal mining in the Eastern slopes via billboards & website. (Tons of linked articles & petitions!!)
Donate: https://bit.ly/2YMTO3m 
Website: http://www.ProtectAlbertaWater.ca 
Finally, learn more & spread the word! Some excellent threads by @cpawssab @LaurieAdkin @PhilipTurnbull. Recent interviews by @ryanjespersen.

Join 26,000 on Facebook - https://bit.ly/3q2woCM 

#NoCoalAB #mountainsnotmines
#SaveOurMountains /END
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