Retrograde doesn’t mean shit came back to you b/c was supposed to. This ain’t “if you love something let it go.”

A person or situation simply EXISTING in your life can act as a major blockage to healing, alignment, & abundance.
They don’t have to necessarily be DOING anything but being themselves... the situation doesn’t HAVE to present toxicity to be wrong for you. There are folks who will latch on with the intention of milking you for info & inspiration.
There are ppl who will minimize your shine & benefit of your talent. There are situations that will encourage you to pour all of your time, talent, energy, and spiritual gifts into something OTHER than yourself.
When presented as opportunities or as collaborative efforts, they may not feel toxic or draining....and when you’re excited for what feels like a chance to walk in your purpose, it’s easy not to hear your intuition telling you it’s wrong.. especially when you deal with doubt.
Sometimes that’s why you’re blocked. It’s a Spiritual safety mechanism. Your Ancestors will block visions, downloads, opportunities, and ideas. They’ll block the creative juices and sometimes even the energy to get shit done.
If you’re doing EVERYTHING you’re supposed to be doing, and still feeling blocked, assess where you are placing your energy, how you are using your gifts & talents and who you are using them for. YOU first... then everyone else. 😉
You can follow @thaconjuress.
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