Sending your script to people can make you feel vulnerable. You're putting yourself on a table to be examined and dissected, your worth as a writer evaluated. That's rough. When readers read, they should give extra thought to this-- There should be bedside manner.
Giving notes can make you feel extremely vulnerable too. Because you've taken a chunk of time out of your day to read something, to analyze it, and now you're telling the writer that what they wrote doesn't work. Sometimes fundamentally. And they might not take it well.
You might get a slap for your efforts, even if you're careful with your words, even if you're open about just wanting to help and these are just your 2¢ etc.
Unless a reader is power-tripping (which happens, but when it happens, it's *obvious*), all they want is for the writer to succeed. And that success doesn't happen out of magical thinking, it comes from pointing out and addressing problems.
So, things to keep in mind.

Readers: Do your best to deliver your notes kindly. They worked hard on what you read.

Writers: Understand that unless you've paid them or they're repaying a read with a read, they don't owe you their time. They're doing you a favor.
And whether or not you like their notes, the way to receive them is to nod, say thank you, and then it's *entirely up to you* what you want to do with those notes. You have full license to ignore them if you want.
At the end of the day, a reader's opinions about your script matter only insofar as you can use them. Nothing more. They're not the ones deciding if your movie gets made or not. They're just warning you about what the people who *can* make your movie might think.
(And on another entirely mercenary note, people see how well you handle notes. The way you nod and say thank you goes a long way towards making them respect you and want to help in the future. If you take notes well, people *notice*.)
That's the end of my train of thought thread about note-giving/taking. Not subtweeting a single soul, I just think it's a conversation that needs to happen now and then. Shout-out to the wonderful note-givers and gracious note-takers on this site-- You are many and I see you.
(And disclaimer, I'm not an authority on the screenwriting world, I'm just some guy.)
Tiny addendum:
It's useful to discuss in advance what type of notes you want to give/receive, just to prime expectations. Notes ought to be upon request. It is generally not to be assumed that the writer wants notes unless they specifically consent to them in advance.
Now enjoy a dog, will ya.
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