We are making good progress with numerous partners in @MITREcorp’s Vaccination Credentialing Initiative to get folks who want it their own digital vaccination credential using @SMARTHealthIT’s HealthCards framework.

Why? ✈️🚢 🏀 🏈🏒

Challenges and opportunities below. 🧵
First off, if you want to help go here to learn more and use the info@ email address to join the “coalition of the willing”. http://vaccinationcredential.org 
Here’s what we know so far:
There is no centralized national or state database that incorporates all of the identifiable vaccination administration information. EHR & public health data goes to State Immunization Information Systems (IIS) while national Rx goes to other systems.
Some IIS offer consumer access. None offer FHIR API access. Some don’t offer any access at all. Therefore a consumer & their app don’t know where to go to access the vaccination data on behalf of the 🙎🏽. HIEs may help but only if they have all the data and allow consumer access.
EHRs have it but if the person got vaccinatined by an entity (National pharmacy, public health, pop up clinic, etc) that doesn’t have an EHR then they are out of luck. We need all State IIS to provide both paper and consumer digital access.
We also need to ensure all vaccination administrations are reported to state IIS. That’s not happening today either.
So where do we go from here? We need policy changes, technology upgrades, more consumer access, and willing pilot partners. We will do this. We just need to do it faster. Good news? Many great folks are working to solve this. #JoinUs
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