
I often encourage people to talk more openly about their struggles with depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. This isn't because I have 'got it all worked out'; it's because I really haven't.

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It's also not because I believe that one day all of us will miraculously be free from our inner demons; it's because I believe we won't.

If we ALL play a part in normalising mental health discussions it takes the burden off the individual.
It means that when people slip up, they won't fall quite as far or as hard because they are surrounded by people who understand. It means that facing another day is that little bit easier because there's no judgement or embarrassment, rather support, love and encouragement.
We need to be realistic. Most people know that eating well, getting fresh air & exercise, talking about their emotions and challenging their negative thoughts are all tools for maintaining their well-being. So why don't we do all this? Why aren't we all in perfect mental health?
The answer: because it's fucking hard to be constantly fighting with your mind.

I abandoned today at lunchtime and went to bed to sleep away the afternoon. Why? Because I was exhausted from fighting my brain all morning. Tomorrow, I will put today behind me and move on.
Everyone has the option to start a new day, but not everyone realises it. Sometimes even I forget that a slip up is just that and need reminding that these feelings aren't forever.

And THAT is why we ALL need to talk more openly about mental health.
A single conversation can empower someone to share their story, ask for help, make positive steps towards improving their mental health, practice acceptance. And that can empower another person, who empowers another person, who empowers another person, and so on.
With enough momentum, this can ripple through society until nobody feels like they are in this fight alone.

Brains are complex and mental health problems will always be part of life just as falls, scrapes, breaks and colds are.
So I ask for you to do your part in normalising mental health conversations.
Make it that little bit easier for someone else, somewhere in the world, to get up tomorrow morning and not give up; to keep fighting; to realise that they are not perfect and that's 100% ok.
You can follow @helen_content.
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