So @AOC, a woman who has been vilified, threatened, insulted and targeted by right-wing nuts and white supremacists tells the story of being in her office in a building right next to the Capitol at a moment she couldn't and didn't know if people had made it to other buildings
than the Capitol, then she hears a man say "where is she?" without any idea who he is and why he's asking that. And people are saying she made up her trauma, many MANY members of Congress and the Senate have repeatedly said they had no info for hours and for all she knew,
the person who asked where she was, was a member of a mob of people who have shared "memes" and jokes about r*ping her, hurting her and even killing her for more than 2 years. Yah, I also would be fucking terrified, I would hide and wish I can live to see another day.
Trying to have a "gotcha" moment with her just cause her office isn't in the Capitol is pathetic and incredibly cruel and evil. She obviously knows any person with two brain cells can google where her office is situated, she never pretended she was in the Capitol, she just gave
her account of how she felt, how it affected her and how traumatizing the whole event was even though she was not even in the Capitol. She never said she was attacked by anyone, just how scared she was when a police officer arrived unannounced asking "where is she?", which in
that particular context is really fucking terrifying. Stop blaming trauma victims, and have some decency. #AOCdidntlie #AOClied not.
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