You may have missed it Tuesday, but @Ed4Excellence came out with a powerful new report sharing teachers' voices about the pandemic. Tons of worthwhile data in here on issues from policy to student engagement and racial justice in schools.
A few key findings: teachers across all student groups, grades, and school types report declines in student learning and engagement.
Only about a third of teachers think their curriculum materials are easy to adapt to distance learning or that they received training to implement the curriculum effectively.
A third or less of teachers think schools are often meeting the needs of LGBTQ students, homeless students, and students who are nonnative English speakers (side note: we also asked this question in LA in November and the results were *much* worse here).
Teachers largely have not received guidance about racial justice or equity issues in schools.
Teachers do see some positives with regard to distance learning, including learning ways to integrate technology and ease of meeting with parents and administrators.
Teachers' biggest needs to get back in the classroom are sanitization, PPE, and class sizes that allow for better spacing. As in other polls, vaccines are actually the *least* important of the options provided (though still a majority thinks they're important, as do I).
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