"What’s Wrong with Attacking Our Own Society?"

Almost all societies have been highly ethnocentric ... teach their members that their own society is the best in the world ... but most societies are not the best.

"So why is it that they all seem to be convinced that they are great?"

"It’s because cultures that do not strongly endorse themselves are not stable. If people don’t believe their culture is good, they aren’t loyal to the society."
"They won’t act to preserve it, and they won’t sacrifice their interests to follow the social rules. Maybe those societies fall apart, get taken over by other societies, or just keep changing until they reach a stable, self-endorsing culture."
Being too self-critical as a culture is absolutely terrible, and the very fact that we don't really find it in nature is a subtle warning - the dog that didn't bark - of how dangerous our current path is.
Pic related: A 60-foot tall unobtanium-alloyed-steel ultrachad Statue of Gengis Khan in contemporary Mongolia
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