During the #schoolsthinknext conversation 2 about collaboration, I made the point that the global issues embraced by students are not being pace-matched by the education system. Typically, I left thinking about what I wanted to say but didn’t, and so I’ve compiled a list.
Note: I’m not saying these issues are not being engaged with in classrooms, I cover all (except no. 7) in my A Level course alone. My claim is that the systems that govern our education system are moving so slowly that they are being left behind and are thus unfit for purpose.
1.Climate change. One of the overarching themes of the curriculum is to create citizens who protect the environment and yet it took students to deny themselves an education to get our attention. They will inherit this world soon and we’ve left it in an awful state.
2.Racism. To quote @PatrickCorrigan, Northern Ireland has a racism problem. And it’s young people who are listening to him and others and demanding change. It was their voices at the BLM protests. They deserve to be heard. But still, the curriculum remains stale, male and pale.
3.LGBTQ+ matters. Not just rights (those too) but also access, visibility, platform, and voice (in classrooms, in culture, in the media, in the arts, in politics). I have been so grateful for the education that I have received from my students on these issues.
4.Refugees. Some amazing work going on here from all parts of society. Again, young people are driving the conversation. The news channels may have lost interest, but our students haven’t.
5.Period poverty. Students’ groups holding elected representatives accountable.
6. FGM. Not just NI specific but it was our students who demanded this be included on the curriculum when I taught in inner-city London. They were absolutely right.
7. The examining bodies in Summer 2020. I cried listening to the passion of the young people on TV and radio in the aftermath of the grade debacle last year but, my word, did they see that justice was done.
I wish we would listen to the people we teach more carefully.
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