A lot of Very Smart blue checks are still busy accusing me of anti-Semitism when, in fact, I was pointing out that this particular narrative is rapidly growing right now. There are a LOT of reasons this is a big problem that people are underestimating. But stay mad at me instead. https://twitter.com/CpTs35965106/status/1357458098127044614
From what I can tell, largely due to the obvious bullying oppression of Wokeness and this particular narrative (which misses the mark considerably), anti-Semitism on the right is on the rise in two ways: more anti-Semites, and more virulent ones. Bad news.
From what I can tell, people mostly have a very cartoonish view of anti-Semitism and don't realize what's really being posited or how angry and targeted it is. It's not just dumbasses with Tiki torches. They're anti-Semitic reactionaries and wrong, but they exist.
The narrative being pushed is dangerously accurate in many details, as the Frankfurt School really did want to end Western Civilization and is almost wholly comprised of Jews. This allows anti-Semites to recruit new anti-Semites *who wouldn't have otherwise been recruited*.
This isn't time for some superficial thought-stopping garbage like, "Jews do not cause anti-Semites" or "that's 1933 rhetoric." Guys. 1933 is happening again, and it's BAD. The reactionaries and anti-Semites are in the wrong, but their argument touches enough truth to persuade.
It is not the case, so far as I can tell, that the Jewishness of the Neo-Marxists (Frankfurt School) is relevant at all. What's relevant is that they were utopian Marxists. Reactionaries are NOT FAMOUS for being accurate and nuanced in their diagnoses of problems, though.
It should strike a lot more people than it does that a LOT of the architects of the Woke movement are black liberationists who are DEFINITELY NOT Jewish. Focusing on any particular identity misses the relevant variable, which is the underlying neo-Marxism.
A second big problem here is that the growth of this particular and dangerous (very 1933) strain of anti-Semitism on the right distracts from the driver that exists on the left, which is Critical Theory (neo-Marxism, ultimately). Those destructive identity politics drive this.
It further distracts from the fact that there is a particularly pernicious form of anti-Semitism encoded directly into Critical Race Theory, which is one of the contemporary branches of Critical Theory with a TON of sway today (and highly ascendant).
As I've detailed repeatedly and at length, with receipts, in threads and essays, like the one here, Critical Race Theory assigns whiteness and privilege to European Ashkenazic Jews (while racially dividing into "Jews of Color" otherwise). https://newdiscourses.com/2020/10/critical-race-theorys-jewish-problem/
Not only that, but Critical Race Theory and its sister Critical Theory, Postcolonial Theory, is rampantly anti-Zionist. How rampant? So rampant that another Critical Theory, Queer Theory, partners with radical Islamists (not famous for their tolerance of gays) against Israel.
The thing is, we're rightly very scared of right-wing anti-Semitism AND SHOULD BE, especially this targeted very 1933-esque brand that's on the rise again today, but it leads us to go blind to the totality of the circumstance and miss an important dimension and DRIVER of it.
So, like I keep saying, hate me all you want for saying this. Smear me over and over if you have to. I will keep ringing this bell, though, in the hopes that SOMEONE will listen well enough to take it seriously before we find ourselves somewhere awful. It's bigger than me.
Several tweets from this thread have been disappeared. I didn't delete them, and Twitter hasn't sent me any indication on their end yet. I'm assuming they got mass reported. Read them here. https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames/status/1357538836302159873?s=19
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