Myth #1: "Aerosols are droplets with a diameter of 5 μm or less”
Focusing on size is not that helpful. If the particle remains suspended in the air (which depends on size and condition) then it is airborne and potentially transmissible in this way. Also, particles shrink!!
Myth #2: “All particles larger than 5 μm fall within 1-2 m of the source”
The truth is it depends - airflow,currents, particle size, height of emission etc are all important. So it's all relative and that makes sense.

Kites fly in the wind and they are a lot heavier than 5 μm
Myth 3: “If it's short range, then it can't be airborne”
No clear evidence of long-range transmission does disprove short-range airborne transmission. Concentration of COVID19 will dissipate with distance from the source so we should expect short-range transmission to predominate
Myth 4: “If the basic reproductive number, R0, isn't as large as for measles, then it can't be airborne”

If someone uses this as an argument, one thing you know is that that person is no expert. Antrax is disseminated by an airborne route but is not contagious so has an R0 = 0
Myth 5 “If it's airborne then surgical masks (or cloth face coverings) won’t work”
Imperfect protection still protects!
Surgical and cloth masks will not filter all small particles, but by reducing exhaled particles, while protecting the wearer from inhaling particles they work!
Experts who continue to deny airborne tranmission of COVID19 are frankly in denial. And we need to stop giving them airtime. Forgive the pun, but doing so is literally killing people
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