I've decided to make a thread on how to act when you get dogpiled and harassed by akgaes/sheepmys. This is only my own experience and might not be helpful to everyone but I am so sick of the stuff that's happening here, so... Here goes nothing.
1. Consider if you want to delete the tweet and go private. If you are convince there is nothing wrong with the tweet and you don't want to give in, mute and filter notifications first and then start blocking. Report the malicious and insulting ones and take Screenshots as proof.
2. If you leave the tweet/tweets up and you have a groupchat or trusted Army friends, ask them to come to your help or at least help reporting the ones that bother you. Remember, only you know how you feel about the members and they would never be OK with people harassing Army.
3. If you get d// threats in dms, report them at once and then talk to other people about it. If you don't know anyone to talk to, reach out to rational Armys that you trust. If it gets to you, log out and watch In the Soop. Then let them scream into the void.
4. Remind yourself that most of these people have an unhealthy obsession with a member and they act like they own them and need to play protector, piling on every single little tweet they don't agree with. This is the life they live. Sounds miserable? Worse, it's toxic af.
5. Below are some screenshots of what an attack might look like. It's easy to tell that there is no way to talk in a rational way to these people. They are either children or have the emotional maturity of a baguette. They'll never amount to anything in life with this behaviour.
6. Try to clarify what you meant with your twt if the problem is their reading comprehension, but in the end you probably know they won't get it and you don't have to justify your opinion to vile ppl. They will tell you to unstan their fave but, lol, who are they to tell u that.
7. At some point they'll move on. If it gets too much for you, take a break. Make a private side acct where you only have trusted moots. Rational OT7 are here for another. I know the atmosphere has been toxic because of these 🐍 lately, but we are still here. You're not alone. 💜
8. Last but not least, breathe in. You stan BT$. They would condemn any kind of disgusting behaviour as this. These people are projecting and think they have the right to speak in their names. Toxic people will always exist, we just have to be louder.
You can follow @OT7lovinghours.
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