now’s a great time to talk about how bastardized black culture becomes in furry spaces, y’all take whatever we create to boost your own clout and standing, yet show no appreciation for it’s originators.
where do think streetwear originates from? the lil gold fangs y’all put on your characters? the VAST vocabulary and vernacular you throw around on sites like this? it comes from black culture, but yet racism still runs RAMPANT in the community.
we know you don’t appreciate it. it’s obvious to us. if you really did you’d respect us when we tell you not to do something like that abomination of a video. all you do is take and take because you have nothing of creative value to bring to the table yourself, you vultures.
we would get called “ghetto” and have con security called on us if we EVER tried something along the lines of that video, cause for as much as white people see rap as cool, it’s more than that. it’s an expression of joy over our pains, yet not forgetting what it took to get here.
you’ll never understand what these songs mean, because for as much as you love the aesthetics, you will NEVER understand it’s deeper and complex meanings because you’ll never be able to relate.
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