Inspired by tonight’s discussion, I’m going to recommend some of the books and websites that have helped me. /1
“The purple brick”. This book has everything. Great explanations, well laid out worked examples and lots of problems that range in difficulty. Used it all the time during my A-Level. /2
If you take one thing, take @isaacphysics. Hands down the best physics platform. Forces students to use correct significant figures and some of the questions are beautiful. /3
Want to go beyond the spec? Get yourself an undergraduate textbook. I use my first year book almost every week. The problem sets are perfect for potential Oxbridge students. /4
The best online textbook I’ve found. Lots of clear examples and some of the diagrams are useful beyond belief. /5
Now for some stretch material. I love dipping into all of these and I can’t decide which one is best! /6
Interview preparation? Povey’s Perplexing Problems is the book to go to. I use this as low down as year 9. /7
Something a little different. An inspiring book that explains “complicated stuff in simple words”. The ISS is now the shared space house. 😂 /8
An idea for a starter activity. Pick a card, any card! /9
And finally, for now... A real favourite of mine. What I would call “the essence of physics”. Every chapter is inspiring in its own way. /10
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