thread ~ the history behind "pretty world" britney's scrapped album from 2015 ✨
if you are active on britney fanpages you may heard about a thing called "pretty world", an album rumored to be released after pretty girls that never happened. in this thread i'll show you all the info we have about this project at the moment.
before start i want to make clear that the name "pretty world" it's just a nickname made by the fans inspired in the background from the pretty girls BBMAs performance. the most accurate way to call this project would be "original #B9" since it doesn't have an official name.
the making of album began on september 4, 2014, just a month after she renewed her contract with RCA. that day she tweeted a picture with the caption "studio today! yay!" confirming that she had started recording new music.
almost a week later, on september 9, britney was asked who she wanted to collaborate with in an interview about her lingerie line, and she stated that she would love to work with katy perry or iggy; she also said that she was recording a new album slowly.
after two months, on november 21st, @IGGYAZALEA was asked by a fan if she would work with britney during a twitter Q&A with her followers, leaving iggy to reply "i did and it was amazing", confirming pretty girls was already recorded and britney's album was progressing.
in december of 2014 iggy talked about pretty girls in the backstage of the jingle ball show, she said her collaboration with britney was going to be the lead single from spears' new album and it would probably be released in early 2015.
on march 12 of 2015, after months without any info about how britney's album was going she told to the billboard magazine that she was working on it "slowly but surely" since it wasn't her priority at that moment.
a few weeks later, on march 30 iggy explained how pretty girls almost ended in her own album because britney wasn't going to release her album on time, but then her team called back later saying the album was ready to be released and they needed the song back.
in may of 2015 the pretty girls promo started, with a music video to help the song, a performance at the BBMAs with iggy, special britney ubers were the song was played and a radio deal, but that wasn't enough promotion and it underperformed, peaking just at #26 on the BBH100.
the song got a bad feedbacks from both fans and critics, and britney wasnt happy with how the #B9 was going. right after the pretty girls promo ended karen kwak (glorys executive producer) joined the production of the album, and helped britney creating a brand new concept for it.
as i said before britney wasn't feeling most of the songs from "pretty world" and her team wasn't happy with pretty girls flopping, so they all agreed in scrap most of the material that was already recorded and start again from scratch, leaving PG as a standalone single.
the production of the original #B9 started in september of 2014 and ended in may of 2015 when karen appeared, and the glory production began in june of 2015 and was over in june of 2016, so both had a similar time of recording process.
some days ago a new demo sung by britney called "exaholic" leaked online, all we know it's produced by rock mafia and it was recorded in late 2014-early 2015, so it probably is part of the original #B9.
based on some research i made matthew koma (the producer of swimming in the stars) was working in the production of glory back in april of 2015, so SITS might be part of the original album as well.
allegedly the only "pretty world" tracks that made it into glory are clumsy and liar, both probably recorded in early 2015, because back then she said she was recording "some i hate men songs" (liar), but who knows.
basically, the songs that could be part of this album are:

-pretty girls (confirmed)
-exaholic (most likely)
-swimming in the stars (maybe)
-liar (maybe)
-clumsy (maybe)
well, here ends my little thread, im sorry if it's kinda rushed, i wanted to post this before friday. if you have more information about this album i would be very grateful if you share it with me, thanks for reading!
btw here is a liar demo made by the producer back in 2015, i don't know when britney recorded it but i guess it was in 2015 too
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