Are Muslim women allowed to post their pictures on the internet? 🧵
I've never pondered over this much before, because our face is a blessing from Allah right? People see us irl anyways. However, the problem with this is immense, & recently, I've found enough reasons to come up with this conclusion known to many & InshaAllah more will be aware.q
Allah said multiple times in the Quran whether it be regarding muslim women in general or the wives of the prophet (pbuh) about the concealment that is enjoined upon women (33:53) (33:59) speaking softly (33:32) for purer hearts (33:53)
Its also mentioned to not show off the adorned areas but to conceal them instead, except for that which is apparent (like 2 eyes to see)(24:31)Mostly, women post pictures which make them look alluring to themselves, thus posting material which is equal to their "adornments"
Moreover, there is evidence from hadith that Aisha RA in regards to this ayah (33:53) said how the women sahabas included their faces under the category of "veil"
It was narrated that Asma’ bint Abi Bakr said: We used to cover our faces in front of men. 
Narrated by Ibn Khuzaymah, 4/203; al-Haakim, 1/624. He classed it as saheeh and al-Dhahabi agreed with him. It was also classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Jilbaab al-Mar’ah al-Muslimah.
It was narrated that Aisha RA said: “The riders used to pass by us when we were with the messenger of Allah in ihraam, and when they drew near to us we would lower our jilbabs from our heads over our faces, then when they had passed we would uncover them again.
👆Narrated by Abu Dawood 1833; Ibn Majaah, 2953; classed as saheeh by Ibn Khuzaymah 4203 and by Al-Albaani in kitaab Jilbab al Mar'ah al Muslimah.
This hadith shows that the women sahabas were unrecognisable in regards to the way they covered themselves and when you post yourself on the internet, you are just making yourself and your features stand out even more. Even worse, people can actually zoom in and see in detail
Plenty of evidence from the time of prophet (pbuh) which shows how for the early generations, "concealing" oneself was all about making yourself seem unrecognisable to nonmahrams yet people post selfies with makeup on, even faceless pics with their features appearing pretty vivid
Who knows what's the best for us better than The One who created us? When Allah is saying we should conceal our adornments, put ourselves under a veil, create a barrier between our appearance and some lustful eyes, who are we to break the shield?
Same goes for the ones who post faceless pics, yes face is not showing but why do you cover so well and yet need to show it to the rest of the world? What's the purpose? It's all about the intention. I hope this msg is comprehended well by everyone cause this problem is common
It'll also help men to lower their gaze,since no one is perfect,& a muslimah has her own unique identity which differentiates herself from the rest of the women in this world. Her perfect & pure self shouldnt be harmed because of worthless attention & temporary self enjoyment
Wanted to add more scriptural, logical and psychological reasonings in favour of this but this thread is already getting pretty long, I hope people benefit from this InshaAllah. Assalamualaikum
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