I'm mildly optimistic about the Yemen announcement. I think the stuff about defending Saudi was not meant as a loophole to continue on, but instead means more Patriot missiles and crap like that.
If Biden truly ends all U.S. intelligence, logistical, ammunition and maintenance support for the Saudis and Qataris, then the war will have to end. Perhaps they can continue on without us, or the Brits will just fill in the gap ...
... but the U.S. backing off should be prelude to real pressure by the U.S. on Saudi and UAE to wrap it up sooner than later. We will all have to keep pressure up on Biden to make sure of it. But then we have a whole other Yemen war on our hands, once UAE's militia starts ...
... calling itself AQAP again, we're going to find that as the war for them ends, the restarted war against them will only be just beginning, and against an enemy far more powerful than when Obama took their side back in 2015.
It was our current SecDef, Gen. Austin, then head of CENTCOM, who was backing the Houthis against AQAP before Obama made him betray them. (He could have resigned.) So that's part of why I think this phase is over, and why I'm sure the next will last indefinitely.
Eric bet me $50 that everything will be the same in 6 months because the Saudis can go on without us by now. I say negative.
Oh and for the record, I've been saying too, this is sadly the only war I predict Biden will end. He was certain to break the Afghan deal, already done, no indication he'll leave Syria or Iraq. No pressure on him to end the war in Somalia or West Africa either.
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