I just skimmed the Smartematic complaint. It's over 250 pages long. My initial impression is that Powell is toast, Rudy is likely toast, and Fox has some pretty serious problems.
A couple things jump out. First, Smartmatic is not Dominion. They're competitors. Smartmatic software wasn't even used in any of the disputed states. That's a really bad fact for Fox.
They also point out that Tucker, of all people, repeatedly asked Powell for evidence, got none, and wouldn't have her on as a result. Another really bad fact for Fox.
They also did a solid job of ascribing motive to each of the individual Fox defendants and Fox as the principal in terms of not wanting to lose more market share to OAN and Newsmax.
In terms of whether you can impute Powell's knowledge, who clearly knew she was lying to Fox, that's a tougher road to hoe, but stuff like this makes it easier:
If this complaint survives the pleadings stage, and I suspect it will, discovery could reveal this to be more of conspiracy between source and journalists, and less of a reckless journalist relying on a lunatic source situation. The implication is clearly there in the complaint.
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