On the latest #Eth2 mass-slashing and Antifragility💔
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My man @nntaleb notes how hyperoptimization comes at the cost of fragility.

Fragile systems are prone to black swans: they are so fine-tuned that when something goes wrong, they just blow up.
How do we get antifragile systems?

Usually resilient systems at a macro level are somewhat fragile at micro level.

This fragility comes from the fact that a multitude of approaches can be tried: some fail and get replaced by others that if they are right will remain.
The trial-and-error at the bottom makes the whole more stable 💯👍

Decentralized networks apply this principle: a variety of client implementations, of node running setups, of geolocalization and political influence... having more of all of this makes the network more resilient:
If AWS goes down - some nodes go down but not the whole system.

Even if an entire continent got wiped out due to a bizarre electric blackout, nodes in other parts of the world would keep the network running.
Ethereum 2's design acknowledges that and wants to actively encourage it: by applying very small penalties to being offline, it encourages people to run it in non-professional settings.

At the same time, it is ruthless with potential threats ☠️🗡️
And yet here we are, chasing tiny increases in revenue/profitability, at the cost of jeopardising the whole system.

Doing things like eliminating the slashing protection because it has high I/O load 🙄

Why do I say "jeopardising the system" though? Let them be, right?👇
Yeah sure, but no thanks. Imagine everyone was as greedy for a as they are - i mean, obsessed with performance.

Imagine everyone was chasing this 1% more. Which I don't even know if it's true because the time scales are different, they could be cherry-picking time periods.
Everyone is hyperoptimizing, using the same ultra-sleek, no protections (they only slow us down!) setup.

And something happens. It all breaks.

Ethereum *actually goes down*. Price tanks. End of the party for all. Tears. Peepz jumping from tall buildings.
TL;DR: If you get slashed at the same time as others - you might be "correlated" - in the same pool, or using the same software with the same bug... you get triple fucked. 3⃣3⃣3⃣
and repeat after me:


unless you're talking to @luguslabs .
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