I have a lot of thoughts about the last episode so here is a thread no one asked for!! This episode was extremely important in the development of our lovely characters + plot! Super long and extremely disorganized! #Hercai #ReyMir #AkinAkinozu #EbruSahin #Reyyan #Miran
Miran: I understand Miran so much, even if his behavior is too much for me. His dream has absolutely come true-- his love of his life is pregnant, he has sisters & his mother&father all together in his home-- after a life of neglect this is everything to him. #Hercai
He has every right to be elated, and I would find it strange if he wasn’t! It is really emotional to see him be a mother’s son again, especially now that he will have his own. The issue comes in with the reactions, which psychologically make sense but are hard to watch #Hercai
Miran is overcompensating. He wanted for so long to have the affection of his mother that he will do anything now to get it. He is willing to give up his comfort and safety to get her anything-- except he forgets that there are now two other people who rely on him. #Hercai
For example, part of the reason he needed to take Azra back to the konak himself, despite Reyyan’s fears and valid concerns and a million alternatives, is because he wanted to see how happy&grateful Dilsah would be. He needed the validation that he did good. #Hercai
He says to Dilsah that he was “homesick”... which is a strange choice of words considering that for a very long time he considered Reyyan his home. There is a need for a huge untangling of feelings here, because his love for R and for D is very messy! #Hercai
This is uncomfortable bc it takes us ages back in M’s character development. He went from aggressive avenger, to a boy looking for forgiveness, to a man deeply in love but conflicted and then to a strong mature&confident husband willing to fight the world for his family. #Hercai
With this plot line, he has been returned to a lost child. It is difficult to watch as his priorities shift so suddenly. He is so absorbed in his own need for validation that he completely misses Dilsah’s rejection, of him, but especially of Reyyan. #Hercai
As someone who used to be so deeply attuned to Reyyan's emotions and needs, he misses SO much this episode. Dilsah snubs Reyyan at breakfast, he misinterprets completely. She doesn’t want Reyyan in the room and he reacts well but blows it off #Hercai
Reyyan opens up about her miscarriage and cries— and he gets a phone call and tells her “don’t think of the bad”. She tells him “if it wasn’t for my baby I wouldn’t endure this.” These are huge, red flags screaming that she is not okay #Hercai
Reyyan carried a lot this episode. She slowly crumbles and internalizes all her feelings, having everyone’s problems pile up on her. She knows that Miran sees Dilsah as the pinnacle of motherhood, the kindest, his first love. She used to be compared to her. #Hercai
No matter how happy R is for M there will always be feelings of inadequacy when put next to to the idealized version of his mother that she sees no longer exists. She is being rejected by her MIL but also by what she thinks is M’s idea of what a mother should be #Hercai
R never wants to be in the way of M/D relationship. She says that his happiness is her happiness&we see that in her eyes. But if she continues to put herself aside it won’t be enough anymore. R identified what we were already asking-- if M had to choose, who would it be? #Hercai
The way they’re sitting at breakfast, with Reyyan on one side and Dilsah on the other, reminds us of this shot from 18, with Reyyan versus Azize & Miran in the middle. A foreshadowing of what is to come- Miran torn between his loyalty to D and his love for R. #Hercai
This ep brings up huge issues of trust for ReyMir. One thing I will say is that their trust inherently shines. They have never been more married, more comfortable, more casual with each other in their dialogues and movements. It’s so beautiful to see how far they’ve come #Hercai
It was so cute how Reyyan got a little offended when Miran said he was bored-- like he could ever be bored with her around! It becomes even more clear that between them the love and trust is great, but external circumstances make things difficult for them #Hercai
The first time Miran came up behind Reyyan she jumped and was startled. Now, she senses him, is no longer scared. Being approached from the back is the most vulnerable position& requires the highest level of trust to know you won’t be betrayed. They’ve reached that point. #Hercai
Its interesting to contrast that to the reality-- they’re both holding huge secrets to protect the other. If they would just share, their problems would be resolved faster. There have been so many broken dreams, promises, hurts that it is difficult for them to trust #Hercai
This is the final stage of their development, to learn that hiding painful truths is not protection, but the opposite. But it is huge progress that they both know the other is hiding something, but are in fact CHOOSING to trust that the other has good reasons for it #Hercai
They’re both scared. It’s not only their lives on the line now, they will have a child. Reyyan has been fearing this entire season that she will lose Miran, and every time she comes closer to that reality you can see how she hardens. At some point she will snap. #Hercai
Change: M tells R that “I’m still the same Miran, and you’re still the same Reyyan.” But R doesn’t feel like that’s true-- she herself tells Azize, “I’ve changed.” We ourselves can see that she’s changed-- she’s hiding things from M and confronting the people around her + #Hercai
+like never before, taking control. It might be silly to think that Reyyan could stay the same after everything, and she might continue to go down a darker path. But how will Miran react to this change in her? Especially as they both continue to go different directions. #Hercai
Reyyan and Fusun’s confrontation! The fact that Reyyan was able to face the killer of her child with such composure tells us once again that she is the best of them all. Reyyan says that she keeps her pain in her chest so that other mothers do not lose their children. #Hercai
I like the acknowledgment that she puts her pain to the side for the sake of others. More importantly, this for the first time implies that if Reyyan wanted to, if she chose to, she would be able to take her pain and cause harm to others. That’s HUGE foreshadowing. #Hercai
Dilsah: I have to say I’m just confused. Either the writers have totally failed in portraying a woman who is extremely traumatized & in need of help, or there is something fishy about her. She changed her mind about Miran VERY quickly, too quickly #Hercai
And she made herself very at home, and then became homicidal. One thing is for sure, the tension between her and Reyyan will only increase now, in a way that might get messy fast. My question is, what does she want? What is her end goal here? #Hercai
Azize: In both the accident and later, Azize’s first selfish thought is always herself. Not the people she wants to protect, herself. It is another reminder that Azize never really felt remorse over what she had done, only that she had done it to the wrong people #Hercai
Azra: This is the first time in Hercai history that I genuinely can’t get a read on a character. Is she good? Is she bad? Is she really a doctor or just a snarky teenager? No idea. Holding my tongue until we can tell in next episode because this one was weird #Hercai
I did really love that even though Azra is a doctor and Reyyan isn't, it's acknowledged that it was Reyyan, and not Azra that brought Miran back. It has always been true that Reyyan is a healer-- of hearts, of minds, of relationships, and now of bodies. It was only right. #Hercai
Mahfuz: F them for deleting Mahfuz/Reyyan scene. He is the most respectful of them all- it’s clear to see where Reyyan got her levelheadedness from. He just wants to protect her with no strings attached. But maybe Asiye will be the one to notice the tension with Dilsah! #Hercai
Also, Hazar and Mahfuz interact so maturely— the cynical part of me says it’s because Hazar has Miran now so the fatherly jealousy from 36 doesn’t matter as much, but either way it’s so nice to see! #Hercai
Other Notes:
-Miran has been in 4 near-death situations this season. It’s getting a little repetitive, and it points to Reyyan’s injury/death soon.
-Happy to see Hazar and Zehra patch things up, even happier to see Zehra be a Reyyan warrior
-Reyyan crying is so painful #Hercai
-I have a loooong thread of reasons why making Reyyan almost go evil would be amazing storytelling but I won’t go into it and bore you all-- so I'll just say I'm keeping my eyes open👀👀
- Gonul and Azat were so cute, please more
- Yaren didn't annoy me, I was actually rather amused, so keep going with that!
The kids were too cute… I am praying that @luciame16 theory is right and both of our twins are ok!
The last hurdle ReyMir has before their happily ever after. If they want to be able to cast aside the pain that's pushed on to them, they have to consciously make sure they're not repeating the past so they can thrive
Thank you for reading, apologies for the rant!❤️
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