Biden commits to diplomacy for a national ceasefire, reinvigorating peace talks, and surging humanitarian assistance. He announces an end to offensive support for Saudi/UAE *including relevant weapons sales* but says US will help defend them from attack. Here's what this means 1/
That probs means:
- no more bombs for Saudi or UAE. But what else are "relevant weapons"? (to be clear reapers and F-35s are *offensive* weapons)
- no more targeting support, refueling, or intel sharing
- Saudi gets defended = missile defense (but does not say same of UAE) 2/
What we do:
1) Call Senators on the @SenateForeign and demand they press Biden's upcoming State Department nominees what this cutoff looks like in practice
2) Don't stop organizing until all US assistance is cut off for good + plays a credible role for peace and justice at UN 3/
When I started working on US policy in Yemen, people laughed in my face when I talked about us getting the US gov't to cut off assistance.

And now we've won! We've got more work to do b/c #YemenCantWait but we will will because of the working people's activism across borders.
we will win!** sigh. There's A LOT going on!
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