NC Gov's COVID briefing & budget proposal underway. 

Gov. Cooper is highlighting all of the ways he has helped people & businesses during the pandemic.

He is also pitching budget items in his proposal.

One time bonuses $2,500 for teachers & principals. $1,500 for other school workers.

More money for broadband.
Will talk more about bond package during #NCGA session.
We need to increase unemployment amounts (up to $500/week) and duration.

It's time to help of these North Carolinians. I know we can do it.

State Budget Director Charlie Perusse joins me.

WCNC reporter Q:
Old people are not tech savvy to sign up for vax? What are the options?

We're working very hard to make sure there are many avenues for seniors.

Vax providers are working with community appointments.
But there is a low supply of vax.

Follow-up reporter Q:
What can we do to help old people?

It is fantastic for family & friends to help seniors to get appointments.
Our team is making great efforts to reach these old people.

N&O reporter Q:
Logistics to get teachers the vax?

Working on it & will share more info as we get closer.

Forsyth DA blocking disclosure of info on a death investigation

Don't know about that.
ABC-11 reporter Q:
Respond directly to NCAE?

I am so grateful for educators & staff. Heroes. I've been a fighter for them. We proposed significant safety guidelines. Based on research. Will work with them to keep them safe.

I am proposing bonuses. We need to show them appreciation.

Follow-up Q:
#NCGA bill requiring schools to reopen?

Bill doesn't follow @NCDHHS guidelines. Have to see the final bill. We want to open safely. Bill doesn't do that.

WRAL reporter Q:
A lot of Supts say impossible to maintain 6' distancing.

We're seeing this done successfully throughout NC. Must stick to science & research. Experts feel pretty good about the safety - especially younger grades.

Little spread in classrooms

Depending on the district, if classrooms are larger & fewer people sending their kids, you CAN keep the 6' distance.

WUNC reporter Q:
Are #NCGA leaders in agreement with you on your budget proposal?

They know about our proposal. We have rainy day fund to pay for bonuses because teachers didn't get raises last year.
(NOTE: Cooper vetoed them)

Follow-up reporter Q:
Prioritize teachers & health care workers with comorbidities?

Currently vaxing 65+. Next is frontline essential workers. We won't sub-prioritize, but work with vax providers to operationalize. So they can get to folks.

Low vax supply.

AP reporter Q:
Planning to sign COVID bill?

I'll have to look at it.

Gov invites Budget Director Charlies Perusse to make budget proposal presentation.


This is about respect for those who are doing this vital work.

Perusse concludes

FOX 8 reporter:
Vax in long-term care facilities?

Cohen is best suited to answer that Q. She will respond later.

(Cohen left)

N&O reporter Q:
Is the $695m from the rainy day fund?

Yes. Fund is at $5b. Fed money not coming fast enough.

WRAL reporter Q:
Got here late. Sorry.
Is your proposal inclusive of #NCGA bill passed today?


Follow-up reporter Q:
When are revenue projections coming?

By end of next week. Feb 10 or 11.

Carolina Public Press reporter Q:
Re-opening application for HOPE program?

Still working through details & guidelines. Goal is yes, to open it up.
We are leader in US for this emergency rental & utility assistance program. Trying to match NC guidelines with fed.

Follow-up reporter Q:
How much for CVMS system?

Not familiar with exact allocation amounts. DHHS can get you that direct info. Feds have provided guidance on how $700m to be allocated over 2-3 years for vax distribution.

AP reporter Q:
What happens if Congress passes another relief package? Could we spend potential fed money on bonuses?

Unknown at this time. We want to maximize use of fed money. Hard to know about timing. Recent fed $ have limited flexibility for use.

NC Ag Weekly-up Q:
My Q is for Cohen. Rural people cannot set up appointment or had them canceled. What is DHHS to assure rural residents are getting the same attention as urban citizens.

They'll get back to you on that.

<Briefing ends>

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