5 Unusual Ways

To take your Copywriting from “meh” to “OH YEAH”

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1) Watch Late-night talk shows

I know. They’re shit, but hey – the masses still love them

Here’s why it’s worth giving them a shot:

- They’re more about “writing” than “talking”. Whatever those talking heads say was written by someone in advance. Probably by a copywriter
- They’re 👌 at quickly telling guests stories. & Stories are something you’ll use a lot

- They fight for the viewer’s attention. Just like your ads do

+ They're perf for staying up-to-date with pop culture BS. That’s something every copy guy gotta do, whether we like it or not
2) Read GOOD fiction books

Guess what? You’re supposed to show some creativity here

Reading Tim Ferriss or “Zero to One” for the 3rd time in a row ain’t gonna cut it

Choose some high-quality fiction over self-improvement books & your brain will be exploding with new ideas

Anything that was adapted for the screen

That’s how you can be sure it ain’t a waste of your time

- King
- Twain
- Dumas
- Dickens
- Fitzgerald

You can’t go wrong with these guys

Speaking of book adaptations…
3) Watch GOOD classic movies

Old movies are packed with culturally relevant sayings, stories and characters

They will fuel up your copywriting & make it more conversational

+ Who dafq doesn’t like movies?

- Allen
- Scorsese
- Spielberg
- Tarantino
- Eastwood

Tarantino is cool for a copy that targets young guns

Spielberg is great for average man-of-the-house Americans

And that old creep Allen is excellent if you write copy for dating sites for divorced ppl
4) Collect your grandma’s mail

Here’s the thing

Many seniors get REAL, physical sales letters in their REAL, physical mailboxes

Something that younger folks rarely see anymore

This stuff is a GOLDMINE:

- Foot massagers
- Gardening equipment
- 17 different sets of cookware
What makes it even better is that many seniors DO NOT throw away their mail immediately

If your grandma is still around – ask her to give you her mail once she doesn’t need it anymore

You will find dozens of copywriting gems inside those letters

While we’re at it…
5) Watch Home Shopping TV channels

Seniors like to watch this stuff & so should YOU

As trashy as the ads in there may seem, guess what?


They’re also so high-energy, they’ll make for a perfect copywriting energy drink
That’s what I got!

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