She's wrong on SO many levels here, but especially in the claim that God created two distinct genders. Nope. Nature and biology offer so many different pictures of gender, a whole spectrum to celebrate and embrace. Not even biology agrees with her here.
Look, I know it's difficult for people who are not trans to fully understand the trans experience. I made so many mistakes and said so many wrong, hurtful things when I was younger. But that means we all have this glorious opportunity to shut up and learn.
Instead of seeing the trans rights movement as threatening, see it as welcoming. It's a beautiful chance to learn and expand your perspective and grow. Just be quiet. Your opinions are probably based on bad/not enough information. Shut up and listen. Learn and grow your empathy!
When you are told you're wrong about something, the common reaction is defensiveness and backlash. But finding out that you're wrong is a gift! Someone is trying to help you grow.
I'm so grateful to the patient, warm-hearted trans people who heard me saying dumb stuff and took the time to correct me instead of writing me off, as they had every right to do! They must be exhausted with this crap and yet took time to correct me. And I'm so grateful.
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