Just reading through @jonatanpallesen's review of @bryan_caplan's book on open borders immigration.

It's funny how immediate feedback and maximum skin in the game make people very careful, whereas slow feedback and 0 skin in the game create wild optimists. https://twitter.com/jonatanpallesen/status/1357380033996816387
Today I personally lost $1000 being optimistic that dogecoin would moon again. Markets provide immediate, personalized feedback on your epistemological mistakes.

Virtue singalling = no feedback. @bryan_caplan has no downside when he sings happy songs about open borders.
"Don't worry, we'll have keyhole solutions!"

"Western culture is magical and exogenous!"

It's very hard to give @bryan_caplan the correct downside risk here because societies are systems that are beyond our current scientific understanding. We can't put him in an open -borders-simulator that literally subjects him to the outcome - good or bad.
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