THREAD: You might have heard LAPD claim that their budget was cut by $150 million this summer. That’s a lie. They’re playing games with numbers. We're here to demystify and defund LAPD's budget, which is billions of dollars spent to stalk and brutalize our people.
LAPD got $1.733 billion in 2019-2020 and $1.721 for 2020-21. That means their funding was reduced by only $12 million. The $150 million number that police keep throwing around is the difference from their budget REQUEST (always a high number), not from any actual city budget.
Let’s use an analogy. Suppose LAPD requested $120 last year and we gave them $100. Then suppose they requested $120 again and we gave them $95. That’s a $5 reduction, but LAPD wants to call it a $25 reduction. That’s what their $150 million number is like.
Side note: LAPD requested $1.827 billion for 2021-2022. So they're quickly trying to reverse any "reduction" with a $106 million budget increase. City Council will vote on that proposal in June.
The $12 million cut means LAPD’s budget was reduced by only 0.7% from 2020 to 2021 – basically nothing, less than 1%, and they still take over half the city's unrestricted funds. But let’s see what stories police fed the press about that 0.7% cut.
City Council reduced LAPD’s budget by 0.7% last summer, and police called this a catastrophe in order to hide how much we pay them to stalk, hunt, and kill our people. We pay more than 5100 police officers over $125k a year, more than 1900 over $150k.
LAPD also lies in the Automated Field Data Reports that police fill out when they stop people. According to a recent @OIGLABOPC report, only 61% of these AFDRs were accurate.
Why is LAPD so confident at pushing lies? For one, police lie every day when criminalizing us. Also, LAPD has over 40 staff working in a unit whose purpose is spreading propaganda: We pay them to lie to us.
How much do we pay LAPD to lie to us? Well we don’t actually know because LAPDs keeps its full budget secret. At the same time this propaganda unit pushes lies in the media, they refuse to give a full accounting of their billion dollar budget requests. We believe this is illegal.
The bottom line is never trust what LAPD says, especially when they’re whining about money. Police will always fearmonger, always whine, and always make threats to choke more money from us. They’re pulling numbers out of their ass.
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