Delighted by Biden's decision to end US support for the Saudi/UAE war in #YemenCantWait. But we have to recall that the war is a symptom of a deeper illness in US-UAE-KSA relations. We shouldn't just end the war, but the ailment that enabled the war in the first place >>
For too long, the US has lost sight of its own interest in the Mideast. The interest of our partners - however destructive & malign - have been treated as our own. Standing by them - by definition - has become an unquestionable AMERICAN interest. Regardless of what they do>>
In practice, this has left them believing that they have a standing green light to do whatever they want - and that we are obligated to bail them out. Our conduct has reinforced that perception. And they have taken full advantage of this >>
Would MBS have kidnapped the Lebanese Prime Minister, blockaded Qatar, attacked Yemen, and beheaded #Khashoggi if he believed he didn't have a green light from the US? Hardly. And since he didn't pay a price for this recklessness, he was essentially proven right >>
So as Biden ends the support for the Yemen war, I hope he also takes the opportunity to redefine the unhealthy relationship with UAE & Saudi. They shouldn't be able to entangle the US in their own self-created problems. Or destabilize the region and expect an American bail-out >>
A partnership with Saudi & UAE - just as any US partnership - must have value to America and help enhance our security. It is by definition not a partnership if it only serves the other side.

I hope Biden goes to the very core of our problem with KSA and UAE.//
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