4 Steps To Using Images With Tweets.

1. Find your style.

Choose an artist.

Choose an art era.

Choose a running theme.

It’s okay to post images on different topics.

Just make sure the images go together in some way.

You want your feed to look cohesive.
I use different artists and eras.

The difference is I keep a theme.

Things like human interactions and scenic beauty.

All my paintings are very realistic and life like.

If you use renaissance paintings then don’t post synthwave art too.

It will clash horribly.
2. Correlate words with images.

Don’t talk about cats while using images of dogs.

If it makes no sense then your audience won’t respond to it.

The point is to be heavy handed.

People don’t want subliminal messaging.

Make the image/tweet connection obvious.
@real_blackbeard is a great example of correlation.

His content is very ocean themed due to his life at sea.

Therefore his imagery reflects this.

When I see his tweets on my feed I immediately know it’s him.
3. Frame your images.

Landscape works best on Twitter.

If you use portrait then post two images side by side.

Posting a single portrait will hide half the image.

This makes the image off sync and unappealing on the eye.

You want people to see the whole picture straight away.
4. Time your posts.

Find out when your audience is most active.

That way you can play on their emotions.

People are more businesslike during the day.

Make those posts informative and uplifting.

Keep them motivated while they’re at work.
In the afternoon/evening they’re heading home tired.

Make these images fun and interesting.

Give people some entertainment after their long day at the office.
At night people let their guard down.

Their real emotions come out.

They think about life and the universe.

This is when you bring out the big guns.

Tweet about romance and use an image of young, passionate lovers.

Speak to their heart and send them to bed feeling something.
If you want to learn more on how to master the art of imagery then I recommend you learn from the best.

This guide helped me grow to 2000 followers in 50 days.

If you want similar results then check it out.

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If you like this thread or find it helpful then give the first tweet a like or a RT to help other people see it. https://twitter.com/aestheticwisd0m/status/1357406309986037760
You can follow @AESTHETICWISD0M.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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