This shit right here. You should be decent for its own sake but if that's not enough, let's be real clear on this: white women have privilege over every other demographic EXCEPT WHITE MEN.
And if it got right down to it, they might not throw us in the camps—not all of us, anyway—but they would absolutely turn us (back) into unpaid domestic labor and forced breeders.
Trust, that's already a goal for some and the only reason it isn't a bigger one is because they have browner fish to fry. But even current anti-abortion movements are intended to kill WOC and force WW to have more children.
If America was all white like so many want it to be, all the gains ww have benefitted from would vanish. The fact that we are still so much less privileged than wm should tell you that. The protection ww have is illusory.
And there is no stasis. We are either progressing or regressing. So if you really want your freedom, get ALL THE WAY on the side that's fighting for equity for the least privileged. Let's stop clinging to our whiteness. Stop embracing your privilege.
As I said, you should do it bc it's the right thing to do. But if that doesn't move you, understand that it is also the only path forward for true equity.
It is not possible to have an all-white or white-controlled America where wm and ww are equal. White feminism is not only abhorrent, it's delusional.
And THAT is the practical meaning behind "none of us is free until all of us are free."
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