Mr Blair, thank you for joining us.

I would like to ask you about the greatest crisis you faced as Prime Minister.

Indeed, the greatest crisis we have faced as a nation since the Second World War.

In the winter of 1999/2000 a huge number of people were tragically killed.
They died from a totally out of control influenza virus, letting rip across the country. The end result was a level of all-cause mortality which absolutely towers over what we saw during 2020's 'deadly pandemic'.

I can only imagine how stressful it must have been for you.
Obviously, it goes without saying that you considered a national lockdown - I mean, it's so obvious that they hashtag save lives.
And obviously, you considered mandatory face masks. I mean, the science is clear. They just work.
Obviously, you considered investing billions in vaccine development.
Obviously, you had NHS managers and staff on the telephone in floods of tears every day, screaming that they were "AT BREAKING POINT!".
How you must have agonised over what to do.
How would we grieve as a nation? How would our children come to terms with the fact that they had murdered their grandparents by hugging them? Would we ever let them forget it?

I can see this is difficult for you to revisit.
But please, if you could Mr Blair, talk us through your decision making process. How precisely did you reach the eventual conclusion that the right course of action was to do absolutely bugger-all? To totally ignore the whole thing and have a giant party instead?
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