Eliminating the income tax in WV (which is progressive, i.e. ranges from 3-6.5% based on income bracket) will just shift the tax burden to poor people via ⬆️ sales/grocery taxes and to students via ⬇️ scholarship/education funding. Who does this attract to move to the state?
With grade 'D' infrastructure and resistance to energy diversification, the state discourages residents to stay and disincentivizes new businesses to come. No income tax means nothing if there are no new jobs and even less if you fall into the majority w/ a net tax increase.
If WV wants to attract people and industry, the state must remove barriers to green energy (ex. legalize Power Purchase Agreements) and stop catering to coal and natural gas interests. Renewables aren't only cost-competitive with fossil fuels -- they generate net-savings.
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