I’ve been a lot more public about my suicidality lately. First of all, because it’s rapidly getting worse.

Secondly, because I’ve very tired of pretending like chronically suicidal people aren’t an extremely high-risk group right now.
It’s giving me unrealistic! That y’all really thought you could keep people like us locked in our houses and not have to deal with a suicide epidemic. If we are in a mental health epidemic already..... what the hell do you think is gonna happen?
I’ve been kind of quiet about it bc it always feels like this is not that important. But to me, that just feels like it’s reinforcing that chronic mental health is something you can just abracadabra away. If attempting 5 times since I was 11 doesn’t make me high-risk, then....
I can already see myself getting subtweeted! Love that for me! Excuse me for identifying that there are things this vaccine could do that could improve my life in ways that might save it!
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