This embedded thread MUST be read to understand how entirely fascist the January 6, 2021 attack of the Capitol really was.

Fascism is a provocative word. Many recoil at its use and prefer less evocative terms to describe Trump’s disaster of a presidency.
But we need to face the truth.

We need to admit to ourselves and each other what the last 4 years have been preparing the public for: Indoctrination to accept a fascist coup.

There is no other way to interpret the information presented in the embedded article.
It’s shocking. That Trump made the effort to create the film he showed at his January 6 rally immediately prior to the Capitol riot and insurrection reveals his intent.

One thing almost all agree, Trump knows how to manipulate through media. That film is no accident.
Trump didn’t just incite violence, he used a movie based on centuries old anti-Semitic propaganda about a Jewish ruling elite creating one world government. The parallels to Hitler and Nazism are unmistakeable and undeniable.
This information is disturbing. If this is the first time you attach the term fascist, it may rock you to your core.

You may have thought fascism was defeated. There are no more fascists.

But Fascism is a method of psychological manipulation. And very much alive.
Fascism wouldn’t be effective if it were blatantly obvious to everyone. Only those quite familiar with its intent and purpose recognize it immediately.

Fear regarding what growing fascism means for the immediate future is palpable because our concept of fascism is Nazism.
I’m sure there are neo-Nazis in Trump’s cabal. But Nazism is a form of fascism. Not all fascists commit genocide. Not all fascists are Nazis.

Ivana Trump, Trump’s first wife, has publicly stated Donald only read one book. Mein Kampf.
I’m amplifying this information because it’s about to become very clear who Trump is and what he represents.

But my intent is to call attention to those who have stood by Trump. Those who have supported him at least until January 6, 2021.
Canadian conservatives fawned over Trump. Many conservative criticisms of LPC’s and PMJT’s policies were accompanied with commentary about what Trump would do or how his decisions were superior.

Federal & provincial conservative leaders modelled their campaigns after Trump.
Many met with him or his henchmen to strategize, coordinate or ideologically align themselves with Trump’s MAGA slogan.

O’Toole used almost the same slogan with “Take Canada Back.” Publicly declaring his policies were similar to Trump’s.
Ford met with Trump and his henchmen more than once.

Kenney has routinely bragged about his connections to Trump through Texas and Washington.

Scheer is probably a registered Republican and may have voted for Trump. He has American citizenship.
There is no grand conspiracy that has turned every Canadian conservative into a fascist. But there are several Canadian conservative politicians using fascist methods to manipulate their supporters.

That’s a fact, not conjecture or hyperbole.
Fascism is a provocative term and should be used with caution. But whether the intent is pure political opportunism or fascist dictatorial control is irrelevant. I don’t care what the motive is. The only issue is whether fascist tactics are being used. And they are.
So the term fascist is appropriately used in the American and Canadian context.

Which begs the question of who else is using fascist tactics?

This one is a real shocker: Dominionist Christians and Q’Anon.

This is a coordinated strategy. And that means it is a conspiracy.
It’s not a theory that prominent ultra far right Christian Nationalists supported Trump. And the same is true in Canada. There are just fewer of them in Canada.
One look at the Christian homeschooling curriculum reveals how clearly fascist indoctrination is being conducted under the guise of Christian religious faith.

It’s incontrovertible with these texts.
This is why regulated education curriculum is so important.

What are Christian homeschoolers lobbying for in Alberta, Ontario and BC? Just give them the public funds to homeschool and forget about supervision.
I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t want teachers or regulators to see what they’re teaching? 🙄😳

It’s just straight up fascist propaganda. That’s not faith or Christian dogma. It’s pure fascism.

That’s what radicalized extremist Christians are teaching their children.
Is it any wonder so many of these teenagers are refusing to respect secular laws and public health measures meant to protect the public?

We are in the middle of a long game fascist coup.
Who’s at the head of that fascist uprising in Canada? In fact he’s heading up efforts across the globe?

Stephen Harper is the director of the International Democratic Union. 
Some of the globe’s newest autocracies are IDU members.
The IDU has its priorities.

Focus on the traditional family unit, unrestricted free market, personal responsibility, conserving social and political order & religious beliefs.

While these are presented as nebulous commonalities, they are also the basis of far right ideology.
It’s clear what IDU is doing. Bringing like minded far right conservatives, the vast majority evangelical Christians, to learn how to win elections using populism and how to install far right libertarian governments in guided democracies.

Democracies similar to Russia & China.
Conservatives have abandoned democracy. They’ve embraced autocracy and religious beliefs based on extremist values that enables transformation of social, economic and political systems in the nations they govern.

That’s essentially the description of fascism.
Jason Stanley recognized this for what it is because he studies this all day everyday.

It’s time everyone else opened their eyes.
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